sabato 18 luglio 2020

Francesco Bearzatti

"Scoperto" in una compilation su Spotify dal titolo poco esplicito di 'Covered Songs / 1', il sassofonista Francesco Bearzatti ha il potere di donarci ore e ore di bell'ascolto (ovviamente in compagnia della sua formazione) passando dai Beatles ai Led Zeppelin, oltre che con le proprie composizioni (molte delle quali fanno riferimento proprio al mondo pop e rock: ma anche alla stessa musica jazz, come "Dear John", che parla a/di John Coltrane).

    "Black Dog" / Heartbreaker" / "Moby Dick" unite in un'unica composizione di 12 minuti ca.


Francesco Bearzatti

tenor & soprano sax, clarinet, electronics

Narrator and Innovator, everywhere a foreigner and yet profoundly Italian. A jazz musician irresistibly attracted to revolutionary processes in his eternal search for creating More.

More? Listen to Francesco Bearzatti’s Dear John (2019) and you’ll understand how. Much more than a tribute to John Coltrane’s mark on modern jazz and sax playing, it’s a love letter that pays homage to the legacy and goes beyond by introducing new and highly individual elements to the music … “Sometimes, originality lies in sincere imitation and then in a respectful questioning of tradition.” (Brian Morton)

Early days of Rock & testing the boundaries

Listening to rock and punk rock legends leaves an indelible influence on the young Bearzatti, growing up in the Friuli province of northern Italy. He devotes several years to rock and pop music, performing in local nightclubs and recording electronic music which continues to pervade a lot of his work. Graduate in clarinet Conservatory of Udine, Italy, he goes on to perfect his studies at Jazz Mobile, New York with George Coleman.

Among the first and formative experiences has got to be the album Live At Vartan (1995) ......

(Leggi il resto della biografia sull'homepage ufficiale dell'artista

   "Walk On The Wild Side"

    "Dear John", versione live alternativa

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What is this thing called jazz?